Hey wad di gwan yall!!! Hey what's up everybody...another week down! Just another beautiful day down here in Belize City...home of the fried chicken! Nothin betta!! The work is definitely getting better and the time is going a lot faster. But I hope you guys had a great week....P.S: I'm pissed I wont be there for the opening duck hunt.
So this week, me and Elder Burrell are teaching a man named S. He's a guy that our Branch Missionary Leader referred to us. He's super cool and super spiritual. While we were explaining the Plan of Salvation to him he bore a 30 minute testimony of his life, experiences and how much he appreciates us coming over to speak with him because he doesn't feel like he can't tell any one else. It was sooooo spiritual. I remember just sitting there listening to this man pouring his heart out and expressing his love for Christ. We have a date for him on the 15 of October.
Also we have a new Branch President. His name is President Munoz. I love him and admire him a lot for what he is already doing so far....he loves the missionaries! We had a meeting in the church after all the meetings and he broke down and expressed how much he loves us. And how much the BOM has changed his life. It was assuring to hear that because our last Branch President didn't talk to me really once. I look forward to working with him.
I was reading this morning a talk given by Elder Bednar about "The Character of Christ." I loved it so much!! It basically talks about when trials occur, the natural man wants us to look inward...while the Savior suffered for us, he was looking outward!! It was incredible. I sat and pondered about it a lot...."We are being blessed with this marvelous gift as we increasingly reach outward when the natural man or the natural woman in us would typically turn inward." I think we can all learn from this lesson. Why do we turn inward when we should actually being reaching outward.!! I love that. If we reach out than thats when our true ChristLike Character comes out...and its deep within every son and daughter of God.
Love you guys and hope you enjoy Conference this weekend...
P.S: Dad you gotta beat the Jacobs to Wingers!!!
Elder Kyle Gee