Monday, October 12, 2015


Alright,  what the heck is up everybody?  Everything good?  You already know it's hotter then nick down here... my clothes are turning the wrong color  and I'm starting to grow hair up my freaking chest!! I have no idea what's going on...Hahaha!!  What the heck...its The GEE curse!!
I finally got my package and it was sooooo good!!  Thanks for filling with candy that you never eat here or find!
My baptisms got pushed back another week which is fine but I'm starting to lose my patience, but President Hintze will be attending the service, so I'm excited for this week...I'm almost positive this time its gonna happen!
But so far I finished my first cambio and to be completely honest it felt like it went so fast, I have no idea where the time went.  This cambio I'm staying with Elder A., my trainer, for another 5 weeks. This transfer is 5 weeks and then after that he goes to Belize.  I have no idea where I'm going after but I'm truly excited to find out.
I love you all and love your emails.   It makes the mission a lot easier for sure to know I can read emails every week.  Because you already know the mission is mentally draining, its a joke...but its so fun.
I gotta go Momma,  I love you tons and pray for me...Te Amo!!
Te Amo Ustedes
Verdadero Felicidad
Mi primero cambio termindo!!

Elder Kyle Chilito Geedaddy

Yes, we are riding in the back of a pickup!!
We are usually walk in the area, but when we are outside we ride buses.

Not sure this is SpongeBob or not?

Conferencia de estaca
This pic was emailed to Momma Gee from Pres. Hintze along with this little note!!

Sister Gee,

Your son is awesome!  Please send me all of your other sons and daughters!

Presidente Kai D Hintz

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